Friday, March 13, 2009

It’s a Thieves World after all: Take down the Barbed Wire Bill

This story simply defies the imagination. One can’t help but want to know more about this. The first thing that comes to mind: How long will it take for thieves to own everything in Worcestershire? Is the council mad? Is this a reality show? Is everyone over there lobotomized except Bill Malcolm? Can the world quarantine this area until a cure is found?

Read it and weep.

“Bill Malcolm erected the 3ft fence after thieves struck three times in just four months, stealing tools worth around £300 from his shed and ransacking his vegetable patch.

But Bromsgrove district council has ordered the 61-year-old to remove the waist-high fence on health and safety grounds.”

Read more at the Mail Online

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Atlanta Copsters get the Job Done, one Elderly Lady at a Time

Drugs don't kill people, Copsters do.

Tearful Atlanta Cops Express Remorse for Shooting 92-Year-Old Kathryn Johnston, Leaving Her To Bleed to Death in Her Own Home While They Planted Drugs in Her Basement, Then Threatening an Informant So He Would Lie To Cover It All Up

Read more at The Agitator

Thursday, February 19, 2009

NYC Copsters: Click it and Ticket

“The cop wanted my ID, and I showed it to him,” Mr. Taylor said. “He told me I couldn’t take the pictures. I told him that’s not true, that the rules permitted it. He said I was wrong. I said, ‘I’m willing to bet your paycheck.’ ”

The policeman didn't want Mr. Taylor taking pictures of his subway. There was no law against it but what did that matter? Who has the gun, anyway?

Your papers please. Keep your head down, and for heavens sake don't take pictures. Terrists are everywhere - and you just might be one.
